Perspectives and experiences on anything related to the diverse and exciting world of craft beer

Friday, November 12, 2010

Green Flash Imperial IPA

Since this is our first post I would like to address a couple points. When we rate beer it will be on a scale of 1-5, 1 being average and 5 being perfect. We don't bash beers on this blog, we just give honest opinions based on how we personally viewed the experience.

I bought a 22oz Bomber, left it outside in the 50 degree weather for about an hour and poured it into a snifter.

The beer was a medium amber color with very light carbonation and a thick creamy head. 

Once I brought the glass to my nose I was knocked back by the strong floral and piney smell. Very piney! I had a flashback to being in the woods. I could almost taste the hops by the smell alone. It was quite interesting, I have never smelt such a dank pine before. 

The taste was very similar to the smell. The hoppiness of it was delightful. I was able to get a tinge of fruit, something bitter like a grapefruit accompanying the piney hops. There were several flavors I enjoyed, obviously, the hops (I can't get over how piney they were!) were the alpha male of this beer but the supplementary flavors worked well to balance it out.

Even though the flavors were robust, the mouthfeel was rather light and smooth. The alcohol was hidden very nicely. The carbonation was light and enjoyable, certainly not overpowering. 

Overall, I was impressed with this beer. It was not what I expected which is always fun. I have never smelled or tasted hops like this before. I think i said "it's so piney!" several times during the consumption (and this post). The beer started strong and finished strong. I am attracted to beers that set themselves apart from others. I can appreciate the brew-masters who take risks to create something different. This was a successful risk in my opinion considering I have never tasted hops that were this potent. It was easy to drink and I will definitely buy it again.

JMo's Rating: 4 

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